My Educational Career Vision Statement
There are a series of statements that I utilize in order to continually cast vision in my life and make decisions. In my perspective, I view a Vision Statement as something that is broader and much farther reaching than a Mission Statement. Both are necessary and have different functions.
A Vision Statement reminds me of what educators call “Essential Questions” for their lesson and unit plans. It is broad enough that it could be used for a lifetime of learning and growing and it is not something that I generally “arrive” at and then check off the box. Theoretically, I never fully accomplish the vision because there is always more to do. The Mission Statement is what I do desire to achieve and I can reach a state of accomplishment.
The following are three Vision Statements I use that umbrella one another.
My Life’s Vision:
- Glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
My Vocational Vision:
- Design better ways to serve people.
My Educational Career Vision:
- Design better ways to facilitate learning.
Are Vision Statements Really Necessary?
I find myself constantly falling back on these statements to guide and encourage me in all areas of life, especially family, friends, church, and work. Many people have heard the important principle of developing your “WHY?” for the work that you do. If you don’t know why you are doing something, it is unlikely that you will work at it to the fullest or get others on board to join you.
In creative work, we know that the resistance poses a real threat to people setting out on their mission. I recently have discovered a direction I want to take in my educational career because I believe it will truly serve people. However, in the details and nitty-gritty of the day’s work, I get discouraged, disillusioned, and pessimistic about my ability to take this direction. What comforts me most is going back to my Vision Statement (design better ways to facilitate learning), consider my student’s faces, and trust in God for strength and the best outcome (which may be very different than what I have in mind).
Your Vision Statement
What is your “why?” If you are an educator, work in UX, or another field, why do you work at your craft? I would love to hear the vision statements of others.