Teacher to UX Career: The Ultimate RoundUp of Advice

Alicia Quan
UX of EdTech
Published in
5 min readSep 21, 2022


A curated list of resources by teachers transitioning into UX careers

A red apple sliced up.
Photo by Nikolai Chernichenko

Updated: January 2024

“I have a background in education and am looking to transition into UX. Do you have any advice for me?”

This is a question that I get asked frequently. I thought it could be helpful to roundup the perspectives of others coming from education. To pull an excerpt from my own article (see below):

“To be a classroom teacher is an honor, privilege, and great responsibility. It is one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs out there. We should see many more ‘Designer to Teacher’ headlines. At the same time, I know sometimes teachers are ready to play a different role on the education team or mix it up and refresh altogether. [After teaching], I wanted to pursue the work done behind EdTech products that so heavily influenced my own classroom.”

For those making the leap, look below and you will see that you are not alone. My hope is that this roundup serves others who are processing and working through a career change. Additionally, perhaps employers would also be interested in seeing a case for the value of having former educators on their UX teams.

The team at UX of EdTech will update this post periodically to include new resources and perspectives. Did we miss one? Please post in the comments and we may include it in the next update.


Podcasts and Videos

An episode from the UX of EdTech Podcast.

Interested in finding UX job opportunities at education and EdTech companies? Follow our UX of EdTech LinkedIn page.

Did we miss a resource? Please post in the comments and we may include it in the next update.

